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Salvation of Babies
Many Christian denominations believe that "Babies Are Born Sinners and when they died at an early age, they will all be saved unconditionally by God's grace." 
Let's examine this belief if it is Biblical?.
The belief further says, "Babies are born sinners. They inherited the sin of Adam without a choice. They are sinners because of someone else’s sin. When babies died at an early age without the knowledge of right from wrong, God will unconditionally give them eternal life. All babies who died at an early age will inherit the kingdom of God unconditionally without their choices. They will be saved as sinners. None of those babies will die the second death, though they were sinners from birth and died as sinners."
What is the problem with this belief?
1.  This promotes the theology of God saving sinners in sin.
2. This promotes the theology of eternal life without one’s choice.
3. This promotes the theology of God predestining babies to eternal life without their choice
4. This promotes the theology of God’s unconditional salvation without their choice.
5. This promotes the theology of God saving sinners withoutjudgmentby the law.
6. This promotes the theology that when God allowed these babies to die the first death at an early age, He does not know the future life of these babies as to how they would have lived life if He allowed them to live life to the full.
7. This promotes the theology that God is not all knowing, therefore,  He has to save all of them.
This theology is saying – Pharaoh did a good job in Egypt during Moses birth when he made the decree to kill all the babies born to the Jews, because all those babies will be in the kingdom.
This theology is saying – King Herod at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth made a godly decree to kill all the babies, two years and under, for they will be in the kingdom.
This theology is saying to us today – We as parents should kill our babies so that they can go to heaven. Though killing is prohibited, but since we are doing it for the salvation of babies, it is a good thing.  It is better for the babies to die early and go to heaven than to live life and later find themselves in hell fire.
This theology is saying, if Judas who sold Jesus Christ had died as a baby he would have gotten eternal life. But since he lived life and committed sin, he will not go to heaven. Don’t you think God is unfair to allow Judas to live and become an adult person and now he can’t have eternal life? ……….  
If this theology is correct, then, YOU and I would have been better off dying at the age of a baby and wait to spend eternity with God, don’t’ you think so?? …..
Who would want to live seventy years or less of life and loose eternal life, after all the fate of the first death comes to a baby the same as an adult person? . …………………..
The SDA Church, our former Church Organizatin believes in the same theology that "babies are born sinners and when they died at an early age, they will all be saved unconditioanlly at the end when Jesus Christ comes again."